Monday, December 21, 2009

Agape Days With the Lord(ADWTL)

    ADWTL is a religious community that facilitates retreats for college students and professionals.  The retreat is aimed to bring its participants closer to God, or better known as “ Kuya Jess” to Dayzers.  ADWTL is a very secretive community; only those who have participated know what happens during the retreat. There are lots of rumors spreading around about what happens, but the only way to truly find out and understand is by joining.  It’s truly a unique and enjoyable experience that everyone should try. The experience is very different from the usual retreats and recollections that other organizations offer. As cliché as this may sound its very applicable and true with days; Expect the unexpected!

    Just last weekend I had my ADWTL retreat, and all I could say is that it was awesome! At first I was very hesitant to join Days, because I wasn’t the kind of person that is religious (In fact, I would probably be the last person that people would expect to join a religious anything) nor do I usually voluntarily attend retreats. Days also appeared intimidating to me because of the secrecy and not knowing what to expect. But because of my very persistent friends and the growing curiosity within me, I finally agreed to join. After the whole experience, I would say that joining was one of the best decisions I’ve made. The retreat enlightened me and brought me closer to God. Something that I wasn’t able to achieve with the other retreats I’ve had when I was in high school. So here I am, like all the other participants who have gone through with the experience, inviting everyone to join ADWTL!

   The next ADWTL retreat would happen at around April of next year. ADWTL holds four retreats spread through out the year. For more information about ADWTL, you could view their facebook at
